Developing Pathways to Resilience through Cultural Conversations

Australia is a multicultural society and has always had a multitude of cultures and languages. Prior to settlement by Europeans, the Australian continent was inhabited by 100s of individual Aboriginal Nations with between 200 and 400 active languages at any one time. According to the most recent Census information almost half of our population was either born overseas or has at least one parent born overseas.

Australia has thrived thanks to our diverse culture which is strengthened by shared values and commitment to freedom, wellbeing and harmony.

By working together, as individuals, groups, public and private organisations and government, to make our communities resilient and connected, we ensure a harmonious future for the next generation.


  • Promoting a greater understanding and acceptance of racial, religious and cultural diversity.
  • Encouraging social participation of migrants by actively participating in Australian society with a focus on engagement in the early education sector.
  • Aiding the development of social networks that cross cultural boundaries to ensure new arrivals are made welcome in the broader community.
  • Developing skills and cultural competencies to integrate into Australian life and to build community resilience.

Children’s Storytime

Celebrating diversity and inclusivity for all families with children, 0 – 5 years.

Sit with your child an explore the world through structured and fun stories, song, and rhyme.

Storytime supports the early development of literacy and social skills.

Circle time for children reflects the importance of learning together, taking turns, and practicing listening and language skills.

Wyoming Children’s Storytime is facilitated by a teacher with many years of experience working with children in a welcoming and inclusive space.

Wednesdays during Term 4, 9.30am – 10.30am

For more information contact Kate 4323 7483 or

Achieving School Success

Are you or your child new to the Australian school system and want to learn more?

This four session program for parents, grandparents, and carers of 5 – 13 year olds runs once a term at Wyoming Community Centre.

For more information contact Amanda 4323 7483 or


CULTURAL DIRECTIONS – Developing pathways to resilience through cultural conversations. This program is funded by the NSW Government, Department of Communities and Justice, Community Builders Program and from membership and workshop fees.