Cookbook of Culture

Cookbook of Culture

To celebrate Harmony Week this year, we are asking you for a favourite or traditional recipe to contribute to our Community Cookbook.Whether your recipe is a cherished dish from where you were born or if its something you used to make with Nan and Pop, all recipes are...
Surf & Wellness Program

Surf & Wellness Program

FREE SURF THERAPY PROGRAM Get on board for a FREE 6 Week Surf & Wellness program with Waves of Wellness, kicking off on Tuesday 28th of February 2023! An awesome way to get mentally aligned and physically fit, all whilst meeting some great people and being part of...

Waitangi Day

“KIAORA” for Waitangi Day What is Waitangi Day? New Zealand’s national day.Every year on 6 February – Waitangi Day – people of all communities and backgrounds gather at Waitangi to commemorate the first signing of New Zealand’s founding document: Te...